Kategoriarkiv: Musik


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Til minde om Dead

Per “Dead” Ohlin begik selvmord 8. april 1991 – 22 år gammel. Deads død var set i bakspejlet en milepæl for den norske black metal scene og indledningen til de voldsomme begivenheder, der gjorde den norske black metal scene legendarisk – en undergrunds scene, der kørte helt af sporet med kulminationen i Varg Vikernes mord på Euronymous og gjorde det kristne Norge kendt som mørkets land for mange.


Hvil i fred Per. Din sjæl lever videre.

Deads selvmordsbrev.

Har kun kunnet finde den på engelsk.

Per "Dead" OhlinExcuse the blood, but I have slit my wrists and neck. It was the intention that I would die in the woods so that it would take a few days before I was possibly found. I belong in the woods and have always done so. No one will understand the reason for this anyway. To give some semblance of an explanation I’m not a human, this is just a dream and soon I will awake. It was too cold and the blood was coagulating all the time, plus my new knife is too dull. If I don’t succeed dying to the knife I will blow all the shit out of my skull. Yet I do not know. I left all my lyrics by “Let the good times roll”—plus the rest of the money. Whoever finds it gets the fucking thing. As a last salutation may I present “Life Eternal”. Do whatever you want with the fucking thing. / Pelle.