Kategoriarkiv: Religion, Nihilisme og filosofi

The disease of western society

The Talented YouthHave we not a lovely society here in the enlighted west? With all our gadgets, richness and freedom. Our world is just perfect, right? If you think so, then you must be either blind or hypnotized by coca colas marketings department. Here’s my list of diseases in the western world, which need immediately cure.

Blockbusters movies with wow effects.They are just lullaby for the people. Presenting them a simplified versions of the world in black and white, that they can overcome. Instead of brighten and nuance their world view.

TV. TV is so destroying our society that it should be forbidden. People work all day. Then they go home in their sofa, and get paralysed by empty entertainment on tv. The entertainment represent their dreams of a more exciting life. Therefore their biggest dream is to come into tv and be one with their utopian dream world.

Sports events. The most nonsense kind of entertainment. The sports events are big business. Anyway the state post billions in these corporations. Sports and exercise is great for the people, so why don’t make the people play football them self? It gives them more team spirit, friends and healthier life. Instead of being paralysed on the sofa with beer in front of tv.

Copyrights laws. Big companies argues that copyright crimes means that artist earns less. Well I don’t care if Lady Gaga or Madonna earns a million dollar more or less. The truth is, that the internet have made it possible to small artists to reach their audience without begging big record companies, that just think of money.

However the greatest problem with the copyrights laws today is that the people think that they are unfair. When people in democratic countries begins to doubt the laws of the society -then we got big problems.

Rule of laws. If you buy a record and share it with your friends, the hell is loose and your life could be destroyed with imprisoning or endless debt to a corporation. If a CEO of a big company screw things up big times because of greed, which costs many people their jobs and make the country unstable, he gets a huge cheque and a new CEO job. If you raped a girl, stole some food or hit a man you get less penalty than sharing a record on the internet. See that is logic. No wonder people are frustrated.

Banks and insurance companies. No it is not the individual country who have acted careless in this finance crisis. It is the big corps. 97% of the money in the world doesn’t exist. It is numbers in the computer system bound to loans. Only 3% of the money in the world is bound to real money. The loans are not bound on production, but on buildings and stocks. Buildings are easy to regulate. Because why is one house 50.000$ more expensive than a year ago?

Politicians. Politicians and CEO are the same. They want power, and power is control of you and me. Politicians make surveys so they can adjust their politics to what you want. No great visions for the future – just power.

Monotheists. (Jews, Christians and Muslims) do I need to say more?

You bloody Whore

Yet she increased her whoring, remembering the days of her youth, when she played the whore in the land of Egypt and lusted after her lovers there, whose members were like those of donkeys, and whose issue was like that of horses. Thus you longed for the lewdness of your youth, when the Egyptians handled your bosom and pressed your young breasts.

Ezekiel 23:19-21


The Holy See

First Satanic Church


– The End of our Age

The Law of the Universe is that all that begins will end, but the end will always lay seed for a new beginning.

All civilisations will rise, bloom and decay. Our civilisation blooms in these days, but signs of the forthcoming decay are coming – the leaf slowly falls. Our civilisation will end like all the others.

The last couple of years I have had several visions of our civilisations inevitable downfall. But it’s not the end of mankind, and it’s not the end of nature, our earth or our universe. As it is written in Völuspa, it is only the end of our age – and a new age for humanity will come.

We’re terrible animals. I think that the Earth’s immune system is trying to get rid of us, as well it should.

Kurt Vonnegut

My vision is that the collapse will fall in three major phases:

United Corporations of America1) The Fall of the Democracies and Rise of Corporations

The end of our age begins with the corruption of the democratic voted politicians. The politicians desires more and more power. The price for their longing for power is the fall of ideologies, visions and dreams. It’s all about winning the voters and not to improve society – except if it benefit the way to power. The downfall of our civilisation begins with populism. The public voted parliaments of the democratic world will bow for the pressure of the multinational corporations, who controls the mass media. In the longing for power the parliamentarians pleases the mass media to gain the voters love. This starts a never ending spiral which ends with the ultimate power of the corporations and the parliaments power slowly fade away in the name of neoliberalism. The more the governments struggle to keep the power the more corrupt and violent they become to its people. It ends with dictators, who in reality just are puppets of corporations. The corporations power is ultimate, and the people can’t do anything. They are reduced to unknowing workers and consumers. The corporations control information, education, productions, restaurant, shops, transportation, health care – everything.

End of all2) The end of resources

The corporations again are controlled by a very small elite of men. The world has become an oligarchy ruled by a few houses of nobles with enormous amount of money and power. These families have more money and properties than most of the nations – but they are only focused on the growing of their wealth for the next couple of year. But the society rests upon a fragile ground. The civilisation uses enormous amount of energy – but there is no money in reducing the amount of energy or developing renewable energy. In just a few years the societies completely collapse. When the small power elite faces the problem – they can’t cooperate about the turn they have to do. They are too greedy and fears to lose power. It ends with the ultimate collapse. The society rest 100% on energy – and when the energy ends, the society collapse. The billions of people concentrated in the metropolis’ are caught in a death trap. No energy means no internet, no authorities, no water, no food, no medicine – no nothing. It ends in complete anarchy: civil war, plague and famine. The fall of our civilisation is horrible. It is the absolute Ragnarök.

The Next Generation3) All will be forgotten

The modern man doesn’t know anything about surviving on his own. After the great famine, plagues and civil war billions of people have died. The few remaining has to start from absolutely zero with reinventing the fire. Nature will quickly again rule the world, and man starts all over as hunters. Our civilisation will be almost forgotten. All our history, knowledge and achievements are written on poor paper or digital media. After just 100 year there is not a single written trace of our time. All are forgotten the ancient Greece, China, India, Christianity, the World Wars – all will be forgotten, we will later be known as the silent age. Out in the forest stands great ruins – the remains from our cities. Men fears these places, and at the camp fires the elder of the clan tells stories about the gods, who long time ago ruled the earth, before they left home to the stars. The eternal wheel has just turned a bit. Our planet has existed in more than 4 billion years and our civilisation lasted just 1000 years. We were just a sigh in time.

What can you do to prevent it? The answer is nothing – absolutely nothing. It’s the nature of prophesies – they can’t be changed. Our fate is inevitable – it’s just the order of universe. We can’t get out of the eternal circle.