Kategoriarkiv: Mine værker

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Når mørket samler sig i tung hviskende smerte.
Når tomhed og ensomhed bliver til et skrig.
Når dit sind er i det fjerne og kroppen er i det nære.
Hvem giver styrken?
Hvem driver skyen?
En ven ved din side.

Når Træet ryster
og solen slugt.
Når alting er borte,
da står jeg ved din side.
En ven der aldrig svigter.

Helvejen er tung.
Dit bryst er fuld af sorg.
Den vej vi alle skal træde.
Hvem står med velkomstskålen klar?
En ven ved din side.

af livløs

Thou shalt not covet

Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour’s wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour’s.

The Decalogue, Exodus 20:17

We all covets. It is the nature of humankind. It is one of the basic premises of our society. Without covets, no evolution and no futher steps for mankind.

I’ve been to Cph Beach Park. Covets exist in all societies, inclusive Denmark. The rural west coast desire the possibilities of the Capital in east, and the Capital in east, desires the peace of the west coast. Therefore they made Cph Beach Park, a copy of the rough North Sea, born with decay and copies of the remains from 2. world war found on the west coast.

Congratulation Copenhagen, you slotty pirate!

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